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 * This file contains the functions to add, modify, remove, collapse and expand categories.
 * Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
 * @package SMF
 * @author Simple Machines http://www.simplemachines.org
 * @copyright 2019 Simple Machines and individual contributors
 * @license http://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD
 * @version 2.1 RC1

if (!defined('SMF'))
    die('No direct access...');

 * Edit the position and properties of a category.
 * general function to modify the settings and position of a category.
 * used by ManageBoards.php to change the settings of a category.
 * @param int $category_id The ID of the category
 * @param array $catOptions An array containing data and options related to the category
function modifyCategory($category_id, $catOptions)
    global $sourcedir, $smcFunc;

    $catUpdates = array();
    $catParameters = array();

    $cat_id = $category_id;
    call_integration_hook('integrate_pre_modify_category', array($cat_id, &$catOptions));

    // Wanna change the categories position?
    if (isset($catOptions['move_after']))
        // Store all categories in the proper order.
        $cats = array();
        $cat_order = array();

        // Setting 'move_after' to '0' moves the category to the top.
        if ($catOptions['move_after'] == 0)
            $cats[] = $category_id;

        // Grab the categories sorted by cat_order.
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
            SELECT id_cat, cat_order
            FROM {db_prefix}categories
            ORDER BY cat_order',
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
            if ($row['id_cat'] != $category_id)
                $cats[] = $row['id_cat'];
            if ($row['id_cat'] == $catOptions['move_after'])
                $cats[] = $category_id;
            $cat_order[$row['id_cat']] = $row['cat_order'];

        // Set the new order for the categories.
        foreach ($cats as $index => $cat)
            if ($index != $cat_order[$cat])
                $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
                    UPDATE {db_prefix}categories
                    SET cat_order = {int:new_order}
                    WHERE id_cat = {int:current_category}',
                        'new_order' => $index,
                        'current_category' => $cat,

        // If the category order changed, so did the board order.
        require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php');

    if (isset($catOptions['cat_name']))
        $catUpdates[] = 'name = {string:cat_name}';
        $catParameters['cat_name'] = $catOptions['cat_name'];

    if (isset($catOptions['cat_desc']))
        $catUpdates[] = 'description = {string:cat_desc}';
        $catParameters['cat_desc'] = $catOptions['cat_desc'];

    // Can a user collapse this category or is it too important?
    if (isset($catOptions['is_collapsible']))
        $catUpdates[] = 'can_collapse = {int:is_collapsible}';
        $catParameters['is_collapsible'] = $catOptions['is_collapsible'] ? 1 : 0;

    $cat_id = $category_id;
    call_integration_hook('integrate_modify_category', array($cat_id, &$catUpdates, &$catParameters));

    // Do the updates (if any).
    if (!empty($catUpdates))
        $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
            UPDATE {db_prefix}categories
                ' . implode(',
                ', $catUpdates) . '
            WHERE id_cat = {int:current_category}',
            array_merge($catParameters, array(
                'current_category' => $category_id,

        if (empty($catOptions['dont_log']))
            logAction('edit_cat', array('catname' => isset($catOptions['cat_name']) ? $catOptions['cat_name'] : $category_id), 'admin');

 * Create a new category.
 * general function to create a new category and set its position.
 * allows (almost) the same options as the modifyCat() function.
 * returns the ID of the newly created category.
 * @param array $catOptions An array of data and settings related to the new category. Should have at least 'cat_name' and can also have 'cat_desc', 'move_after' and 'is_collapsable'
function createCategory($catOptions)
    global $smcFunc;

    // Check required values.
    if (!isset($catOptions['cat_name']) || trim($catOptions['cat_name']) == '')
        trigger_error('createCategory(): A category name is required', E_USER_ERROR);

    // Set default values.
    if (!isset($catOptions['cat_desc']))
        $catOptions['cat_desc'] = '';
    if (!isset($catOptions['move_after']))
        $catOptions['move_after'] = 0;
    if (!isset($catOptions['is_collapsible']))
        $catOptions['is_collapsible'] = true;
    // Don't log an edit right after.
    $catOptions['dont_log'] = true;

    $cat_columns = array(
        'name' => 'string-48',
        'description' => 'string',
    $cat_parameters = array(

    call_integration_hook('integrate_create_category', array(&$catOptions, &$cat_columns, &$cat_parameters));

    // Add the category to the database.
    $category_id = $smcFunc['db_insert']('',

    // Set the given properties to the newly created category.
    modifyCategory($category_id, $catOptions);

    logAction('add_cat', array('catname' => $catOptions['cat_name']), 'admin');

    // Return the database ID of the category.
    return $category_id;

 * Remove one or more categories.
 * general function to delete one or more categories.
 * allows to move all boards in the categories to a different category before deleting them.
 * if moveChildrenTo is set to null, all boards inside the given categories will be deleted.
 * deletes all information that's associated with the given categories.
 * updates the statistics to reflect the new situation.
 * @param array $categories The IDs of the categories to delete
 * @param int $moveBoardsTo The ID of the category to move any boards to or null to delete the boards
function deleteCategories($categories, $moveBoardsTo = null)
    global $sourcedir, $smcFunc, $cat_tree;

    require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php');


    call_integration_hook('integrate_delete_category', array($categories, &$moveBoardsTo));

    // With no category set to move the boards to, delete them all.
    if ($moveBoardsTo === null)
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
            SELECT id_board
            FROM {db_prefix}boards
            WHERE id_cat IN ({array_int:category_list})',
                'category_list' => $categories,
        $boards_inside = array();
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
            $boards_inside[] = $row['id_board'];

        if (!empty($boards_inside))
            deleteBoards($boards_inside, null);

    // Make sure the safe category is really safe.
    elseif (in_array($moveBoardsTo, $categories))
        trigger_error('deleteCategories(): You cannot move the boards to a category that\'s being deleted', E_USER_ERROR);

    // Move the boards inside the categories to a safe category.
        $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
            UPDATE {db_prefix}boards
            SET id_cat = {int:new_parent_cat}
            WHERE id_cat IN ({array_int:category_list})',
                'category_list' => $categories,
                'new_parent_cat' => $moveBoardsTo,

    // Do the deletion of the category itself
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
        DELETE FROM {db_prefix}categories
        WHERE id_cat IN ({array_int:category_list})',
            'category_list' => $categories,

    // Log what we've done.
    foreach ($categories as $category)
        logAction('delete_cat', array('catname' => $cat_tree[$category]['node']['name']), 'admin');

    // Get all boards back into the right order.
