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 * Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
 * @package SMF
 * @author Simple Machines http://www.simplemachines.org
 * @copyright 2019 Simple Machines and individual contributors
 * @license http://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD
 * @version 2.1 RC1

if (!defined('SMF'))
    die('Hacking attempt...');

 * PostgreSQL Cache API class
 * @package cacheAPI
class postgres_cache extends cache_api
     * @var false|resource of the pg_prepare from get_data.
    private $pg_get_data_prep;

     * @var false|resource of the pg_prepare from put_data.
    private $pg_put_data_prep;

    public function __construct()

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function connect()
        global $db_prefix, $db_connection;

        pg_prepare($db_connection, '', 'SELECT 1
            FROM   pg_tables
            WHERE  schemaname = $1
            AND    tablename = $2');

        $result = pg_execute($db_connection, '', array('public', $db_prefix . 'cache'));

        if (pg_affected_rows($result) === 0)
            pg_query($db_connection, 'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE ' . $db_prefix . 'cache (key text, value text, ttl bigint, PRIMARY KEY (key))');

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function isSupported($test = false)
        global $smcFunc, $db_connection;

        if ($smcFunc['db_title'] !== 'PostgreSQL')
            return false;

        $result = pg_query($db_connection, 'SHOW server_version_num');
        $res = pg_fetch_assoc($result);

        if ($res['server_version_num'] < 90500)
            return false;

        return $test ? true : parent::isSupported();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getData($key, $ttl = null)
        global $db_prefix, $db_connection;

        $ttl = time() - $ttl;

        if (empty($this->pg_get_data_prep))
            $this->pg_get_data_prep = pg_prepare($db_connection, 'smf_cache_get_data', 'SELECT value FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'cache WHERE key = $1 AND ttl >= $2 LIMIT 1');

        $result = pg_execute($db_connection, 'smf_cache_get_data', array($key, $ttl));

        if (pg_affected_rows($result) === 0)
            return null;

        $res = pg_fetch_assoc($result);

        return $res['value'];

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function putData($key, $value, $ttl = null)
        global $db_prefix, $db_connection;

        if (!isset($value))
            $value = '';

        $ttl = time() + $ttl;

        if (empty($this->pg_put_data_prep))
            $this->pg_put_data_prep = pg_prepare($db_connection, 'smf_cache_put_data',
                'INSERT INTO ' . $db_prefix . 'cache(key,value,ttl) VALUES($1,$2,$3)
                ON CONFLICT(key) DO UPDATE SET value = excluded.value, ttl = excluded.ttl'

        $result = pg_execute($db_connection, 'smf_cache_put_data', array($key, $value, $ttl));

        if (pg_affected_rows($result) > 0)
            return true;
            return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function cleanCache($type = '')
        global $smcFunc;

        $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
            TRUNCATE TABLE {db_prefix}cache',

        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getVersion()
        global $smcFunc;

        return $smcFunc['db_server_info']();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function housekeeping()

     * Create the temp table of valid data.
     * @return void
    private function createTempTable()
        global $db_connection, $db_prefix;

        pg_query($db_connection, 'CREATE LOCAL TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $db_prefix . 'cache_tmp AS SELECT * FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'cache WHERE ttl >= ' . time());

     * Delete the temp table.
     * @return void
    private function deleteTempTable()
        global $db_connection, $db_prefix;

        pg_query($db_connection, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $db_prefix . 'cache_tmp');

     * Retrieve the valid data from temp table.
     * @return void
    private function retrieveData()
        global $db_connection, $db_prefix;

        pg_query($db_connection, 'INSERT INTO ' . $db_prefix . 'cache SELECT * FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'cache_tmp ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING');
