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class Mentions
protected static $char = '@';
public static function getMentionsByContent($content_type, $content_id, array $members = array())
global $smcFunc;
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT mem.id_member, mem.real_name, mem.email_address, mem.id_group, mem.id_post_group, mem.additional_groups,
mem.lngfile, ment.id_member AS id_mentioned_by, ment.real_name AS mentioned_by_name
FROM {db_prefix}mentions AS m
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = m.id_mentioned)
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}members AS ment ON (ment.id_member = m.id_member)
WHERE content_type = {string:type}
AND content_id = {int:id}' . (!empty($members) ? '
AND mem.id_member IN ({array_int:members})' : ''),
'type' => $content_type,
'id' => $content_id,
'members' => (array) $members,
$members = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$members[$row['id_member']] = array(
'id' => $row['id_member'],
'real_name' => $row['real_name'],
'email_address' => $row['email_address'],
'groups' => array_unique(array_merge(array($row['id_group'], $row['id_post_group']), explode(',', $row['additional_groups']))),
'mentioned_by' => array(
'id' => $row['id_mentioned_by'],
'name' => $row['mentioned_by_name'],
'lngfile' => $row['lngfile'],
return $members;
public static function insertMentions($content_type, $content_id, array $members, $id_member)
global $smcFunc;
call_integration_hook('mention_insert_' . $content_type, array($content_id, &$members));
foreach ($members as $member)
array('content_id' => 'int', 'content_type' => 'string', 'id_member' => 'int', 'id_mentioned' => 'int', 'time' => 'int'),
array((int) $content_id, $content_type, $id_member, $member['id'], time()),
array('content_id', 'content_type', 'id_mentioned')
public static function getBody($body, array $members)
foreach ($members as $member)
$body = str_ireplace(static::$char . $member['real_name'], '[member=' . $member['id'] . ']' . $member['real_name'] . '[/member]', $body);
return $body;
public static function getMentionedMembers($body)
global $smcFunc;
$possible_names = self::getPossibleMentions($body);
if (empty($possible_names) || !allowedTo('mention'))
return array();
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_member, real_name
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE real_name IN ({array_string:names})
LIMIT {int:count}',
'names' => $possible_names,
'count' => count($possible_names),
$members = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
if (stripos($body, static::$char . $row['real_name']) === false)
$members[$row['id_member']] = array(
'id' => $row['id_member'],
'real_name' => $row['real_name'],
return $members;
protected static function getPossibleMentions($body)
global $smcFunc;
$body = htmlspecialchars_decode(preg_replace('~<br\s*/?\>~', "\n", str_replace(' ', ' ', $body)), ENT_QUOTES);
while (preg_match('~\[quote[^\]]*\](.+?)\[\/quote\]~s', $body))
$body = preg_replace('~\[quote[^\]]*\](.+?)\[\/quote\]~s', '', $body);
$matches = array();
$string = str_split($body);
$depth = 0;
foreach ($string as $k => $char)
if ($char == static::$char && ($k == 0 || trim($string[$k - 1]) == ''))
$matches[] = array();
elseif ($char == "\n")
$depth = 0;
for ($i = $depth; $i > 0; $i--)
if (count($matches[count($matches) - $i]) > 60)
$matches[count($matches) - $i][] = $char;
foreach ($matches as $k => $match)
$matches[$k] = substr(implode('', $match), 1);
$names = array();
foreach ($matches as $match)
$match = preg_split('/([^\w])/', $match, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$count = count($match);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++)
$names[] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($smcFunc['htmltrim'](implode('', array_slice($match, 0, $i))));
$names = array_unique($names);
return $names;